Saturday, 8 February 2014

Chaos control app review

                           Chaos control app review

Hello everyone,
    Today we are going to see an app in symbian and android world which can help you in getting your day to day activities done in an effective and efficient manner.
                        Getting things done methodology (GTD) is introduced David Allen in his book “Getting things done: Art of stress free productivity”. The book is hugely popular and the system described in his book is used by many professionals all around the world. The GTD (getting things done) system has made a following of it's own in the internet. And choas control app tries to help you apply the principles of GTD by using their app. How far is the effort successful let's see.
           By following the system in David Allen’s book one can really increase your productivity and reading the book is recommended and this is added as a task when you first open the app. The app tries to give a good idea of how to use this app from it's help.

Chaos Control:

Chaos control is one of the awesome apps and probably only app on symbian that can assist you in implementing GTD system.
Lets see the various features of the app.
 1. Chaos Box -It is the first option when you open the app in which you can enter all the tasks memos ideas which you get in day. The tasks in chaos box can later be moved to other projects and assigned context. Chaos box serves the same function as in-basket mentioned in Allen’s book

2. Project folder - In projects you can place all the tasks which would help you to complete the project. You can assign due dates to the various tasks in the project

3.Contexts - Chaos control also has context as to how , where and with what equipments your activities can be completed. You can add various contexts like @home, @office,@Computer when there is free time and others. So if you are at home you can complete all the tasks with the @home context.

4. Speed/ Smoothness of the app: All the features are implemented beautifully and the app runs pretty smooth and also I guess the app is running in the background so it loads up quickly on your device.

5. Premium only features: Syncing to other devices would require you to purchase an account otherwise the app is free to use on your phone.

Should you get this app?
The app is implemented well and it can help you to implement GTD and be more efficient using your symbian device  for which it is a must have app on symbian. For Android users there are better apps.
Go get it guys from here:

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